Block Party Docs

Information & Forms

Suggested Maintenance

& Replacement Donations for Block Party Trailer, Equipment, and other shared resources

 (trailer items are not counted separately)

Item Number Available Suggest Ammount
Red Block Party Trailer 1 $125
Grey Missions Trailer 1 $100
Bouncy House(Slide) 4 $50
Inflatable Movie Screen 1 $15
Projector 2 $25
Popcorn Machine 2 $15
Snow Cone Machine 1 $20
Coolers 8 $0

Equipment Borrowing Agreement

Below are two ways to fill out the contract. Please fill out only one of the forms. The Google Form will automatically add your date to the shared calendar. The Adobe Form will allow you to add attachments. Check your email for an approval, then a copy will be emailed to you. If you have any questions, email Thank you for using this option.

Only One

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